Our Books

The Big Book of Cool Stuff

Rediscover your childhood through photos and fun facts about great toys such as G.I Joe, Hot Wheels, Matchbox, Girder and Panel building sets, Aurora slot cars, ho trains, Remco toys, and many others. This book is not intended to be a collector’s guide. This book is intended to allow current and future grandparents who grew up in the 1960’s to share their memories through the youthful exuberance that can only be found through toys. The toys are presented in photographs in a “played-with condition” to be enjoyed by grandchildren while they listen to their grandparents share toy stories and favorite memories. Thirty-five years of toy collecting are presented in this fun book that shares the “thrill of the hunt” and the excitement of discovery with each new page

Recollections of a Southern Landscape Architect:

This retrospective looks back at the work of a landscape architect based in Atlanta, Georgia. The work is presented with background information about the clients and the unique challenges that are often involved in public projects. The author adds background narrative to explain the thought process, design ideas and the marketing skill needed to win some of the projects. More than 50 projects are presented with a combination of more than 280 plans, sketches and photographs spanning 40 years of practice. From rural Georgia to Afghanistan and Egypt, the author shares insights into the unique and surprisingly diverse practice of the profession of Landscape Architecture.

Recollections of a Southern Landscape Architect:

This retrospective looks back at the work of a landscape architect based in Atlanta, Georgia. The work is presented with background information about the clients and the unique challenges that are often involved in public projects. The author adds background narrative to explain the thought process, design ideas and the marketing skill needed to win some of the projects. More than 50 projects are presented with a combination of more than 280 plans, sketches and photographs spanning 40 years of practice. From rural Georgia to Afghanistan and Egypt, the author shares insights into the unique and surprisingly diverse practice of the profession of Landscape Architecture.

FLOWERS: Activity Book of Popular Southern Flowers

For children with a passion for exploration, or dreams of colorful fields of flowers, this book explores how the beauty of flowers can be found around us, taking the young reader on a learning journey that is fun and challenging. Learn about more than 50 different flowers, fun facts about those flowers and how to grow your own flowers. Aspiring young gardeners will discover planting ideas, along with different, exciting new flower varieties in use today. All of this is brought to life in color photography, puzzles, games, and poetry that will inspire children to apply what they have learned in their own yard. This book is the perfect introduction to common southern flowers, revealing their beauty along the way. While this creative book is ideal for the middle grades, ages 9-12, even adults will find it inspiring.

A Designer’s Sketchbook: Mastering Design Through Pencil Sketching

For anyone with a passion for drawing and sketching, this book explores the use of pencil sketching for design, taking the reader on a learning journey with real life examples from a professional designer and landscape architect. Learn about the common tools used in design sketching and how to approach your own projects. Aspiring young designers will discover new ideas, along with different techniques still in use today. All of this is brought to life in color and black and white sketches that will inspire any designer to rethink how they communicate design and apply what they have learned on their own projects. This book is the perfect introduction to the amazingly versatile use of a common No. 2 pencil and how it can transform how designers see their own work. While this creative book is ideal for entry level professionals, even seasoned practitioners will find it inspiring

A Designer’s Sketchbook: Mastering Design Through Pencil Sketching

For anyone with a passion for drawing and sketching, this book explores the use of pencil sketching for design, taking the reader on a learning journey with real life examples from a professional designer and landscape architect. Learn about the common tools used in design sketching and how to approach your own projects. Aspiring young designers will discover new ideas, along with different techniques still in use today. All of this is brought to life in color and black and white sketches that will inspire any designer to rethink how they communicate design and apply what they have learned on their own projects. This book is the perfect introduction to the amazingly versatile use of a common No. 2 pencil and how it can transform how designers see their own work. While this creative book is ideal for entry level professionals, even seasoned practitioners will find it inspiring

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